
What & Why


Micro-TESE Surgery using the ESMC approach

At the Multidisciplinary Center for Male & Female Reproduction & Fertility, all Micro-TESE surgeries are performed using the ESMC approach: Extended Multi-Search Center = Multi central – extended search.

Deriving from his extensive experience, the Center’s Director, Dr. Shlomi Barak, who is also an expert on male fertility and has performed hundreds of Micro-TESE surgeries in Australia and in Israel, came to the understanding, that when you wish to perform an efficient sperm extraction in surgery, maximizing the chances of success, it is insufficient only to perform the surgery in the advanced Micro-TESE method, but you need to ensure that the optimal treatment is carried out on the tissue extracted during surgery as well.

To that end, it is imperative to make sure that the best laboratory care is provided, in terms of time, along with a quality and focused search team. Therefore the surgeries are conjoint with the IVF procedure, when between the surgery and extraction a widened window is opened to search for the sperm in a lab, performing the search using the ESMC method:

  • Extended search – At least 10 hours
  • Multi-Central – By a number of team personnel in the hospital’s laboratory and in an external Andrology laboratory at the same time.

For this purpose, we cooperate with the leading centers for male fertility in the country – The ‘Assuta Hospital’ in Rishon Le’zion, and the Andrology laboratories ‘Bartoov’ and Gabriel’ in order to provide our patients with the best possible care.

This approach increases our chances of success and brings us results which are far beyond the accepted standard.

“We cannot promise success – we do not possess it, but we promise to do everything we possibly can for you!”

Would you like to learn more about the ES-MC approach to Micro-TESE surgeries? You can consult with the head of the Male Fertility Unit in the center by phone: 058-3298338 or by E-mail: malefertility@barakivf.com