Diminished Ovarian Reserve

What can be done?


According to research, women with diminished ovarian reserve make up about 15%-20% of the patients having ‘In vitro fertilization’-IVF treatments.

These patients pose a significant challenge to the treatment, following an insufficient reaction to ovarian stimulation which is given in IVF therapy (Gonel-F, Menopur etc.), which is expressed by both in the number of produced eggs in each treatment cycle as well as by their quality.

In some of the patients, it is a phenomenon which is unrelated to age, mostly void of a medical explanation. Another phenomenon is the diminished fertility potential which starts when a woman reaches her 30’s and worsens nearing her 40’s.

It is expected that the number of patients with a background of diminished ovarian reserve will rise due to social changes that cause more women to enter the reproductive cycle at a relatively older age. This phenomenon is expressed by the saying: “Forty is the new thirty…”

What can be done?

One course of action is treatment using low dosages which according to research provides better results.

Another way is by administering Transdermal Testosterone, which causes a better reaction to treatment, see article.

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